Dear Patients, just a quick heads up to let everyone know that we have reopened the clinic and subject to some essential rules we are accepting bookings again. Below is a checklist to help identify anyone who might be at risk/or is a risk in contracting or spreading Covid 19. Answering yes to some of these questions might not necessarily preclude someone from attending the clinic; for example you may be over 70 but still very fit and healthy in that case along with our PPE and enhanced sanitisation, attending the clinic would not present a high risk situation.
• Have you had a test for COVID-19?
• Have you recently developed any cold or flu like symptoms such as cough, hoarseness, sore throat, headache, body aches and fatigue/ drowsiness?
• Do you have a raised temperature? (ask patient to check their temp now)
• Are you experiencing any shortness of breath/ chest pain/ tightness?
• Do you have any unusual abdominal symptoms – loss of appetite, diarrhoea?
• Do you have a loss of smell or taste?
• How do you physically feel right now?
• Have you had exposure to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19? (e.g. someone in your household or co-worker)
• Is anyone in your household poorly? If so, what are their symptoms?
• Have you had laboratory exposure working directly with biological specimens that contain COVID-19?
• Are you a health-care worker or first responder? (including volunteer first responder)
• Are you in the at risk/ vulnerable groups identified in Government Guidelines?
Remember when considering yourself for treatment please take into account the above plus recent government advice so that we can introduce the right touch regulation of who is or isn't presenting a risk to themselves or others..were always here to talk things through 1st if necessary.